Be a legal person without really obtaining a degree in law. The Diploma in Law presents an opportunity to people who wish to have basic knowledge of law without really wanting to practice law. The Diploma in Law presents a lot of opportunities for students successfully completing this program. Among other, persons with a Diploma in Law can work as legal assistants in law firms or other institutions, private, government and quasi-government institutions including NGOs. 


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Be a legal person without really obtaining a degree in law. The Diploma in Law presents an opportunity to people who wish to have basic knowledge of law without really wanting to practice law. The Diploma in Law presents a lot of opportunities for students successfully completing this programme. Among other, persons with a Diploma in Law can work as legal assistants in law firms or other institutions, private, government and quasi-government institutions including NGOs. Read more>>


The Diploma in Law is an important qualification in society particularly in rural places where there are few or no fully trained legal practitioners. The absence of qualified legal practitioners in rural areas of the country has left a lot of people without access to justice or even access to basic legal services which in turn, make people resort to taking the law into their own hands for lack of knowledge on how to deal with simple but technical matters of law. The importance of this programme cannot therefore be overemphasized as it seeks to bridge the gap between urban and rural societies on matters pertaining to the delivery of justice in the country. The Diploma in Law programme therefore is very necessary in any society and its relevance, does not necessarily arise for economic gain, but for knowledge as, the more knowledgeable people in society are of the law, the better a society shall be.

The training of more people with knowledge of law even at the basic level, will therefore assist government in its quest to decongest prisons as there are a lot of people in prisons who should not be there due simply to ignorance of the law and people to advise them on issues of law. Individuals trained with Diploma in Law would work with NGOs that have dedicated their time to ensuring access to justice especially in the rural areas.


The aims of the Lusaka Goldsmiths University Diploma in Law are to equip the learners with the relevant knowledge requisite for addressing the social, political and cultural challenges that today societies the world over are faced with. From civil wrongs, public order and human rights etc., the program ensures that learners graduating with the Diploma in Law from Lusaka Goldsmiths University, are properly equipped to deal with various social challenges and vices affecting societies. 


At the end of the program, learners shall:


      • Have knowledge on the various areas of the law their society

      • Be able to interpret the law and apply it to various situations in their society

      • Be able to advice on legal issues arising from various situations in their society

      • Have knowledge on issues of governance, politics and international relations

      • Be able to advice on legal issues arising from international agreements; etc.


    Subject to other programs, the assessment criteria for Lusaka Goldsmiths University School of Law consists of two assignments each carrying 15 marks and an examination at the end of each semester carrying 70 marks as follows:

               Assignment 1          15marks                         Assignment 2             15marks

                Final Examination 70marks

                  Total:                         100marks 

    Note: Progression rules set by the university Senate allows only students who do and submit both their Continuous Assessments (Assignments), to proceed and sit for their final semester examinations. 

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