i. Introduction to Social Work – Pre requisite
ii. Introduction to Academic Research and Writing Skills – Prerequisite iii. Introduction to Sociology iv. Introduction to Micro-Economics v. Introduction to Political Science vi. Introduction to Development Studies vii. Introduction to Psychology vii. Introduction to Micro-Economics |
i. Methods of Social Work Practice - Pre requisite
ii. Introduction to Social Welfare - Pre requisite iii. Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development – Pre requisite iv.Social Case Work and Counseling Skills - Pre requisite v.Introduction to Macro Economics v.Computer Skills |
i. Introduction to Research
ii. Theories and Practices of Development iii. Social Change and Development iv. Child and Youth Development v. Human Development |
i.Community Development
ii. Data Analysis and Software Applications iii. Social Development iv. Field Work I: Rural Community Placement v. Rural Sociology |
i. Social Protection and Sustainable Livelihoods
ii. Field Work I: Rural Community Placement iii. Case Management iv. Social Work and the Law v. Urban Sociology |
i.Evaluative Research
ii. Field Work II: Institutional Placement iii.Management a Human Service Organization iv. Climate Change, Disaster and Social Work Intervention v. Project Planning and Management |
i. Social Planning
ii. Disability, Mental Health and Social Work iii. Field Work II: Institutional Placemen iv. Community Health and Social Work v. Social Policy Analysis |
i. Social Work with Families
ii. Social Gerontology iii. Evaluative Research Project iv. Reproductive Health v. Comparative Social Policy and Social Welfare |