International Business Management module introduces learners to international business management. The module starts by describing international business. It then explains what international business is in detail, it describes international marketing research, describes international market entry strategies, it explains product policy and strategy. The module further explains the distribution strategy, explains the process of making pricing decisions, explains marketing communications and ends with describing trade regulation.
The objectives of this module are:
– To describe international business.
– To explain what international business is in detail,
– To describe international marketing research,
– To describe international market entry strategies,
– To explain product policy and strategy.
– To explain the distribution strategy,
– To explain the process of making pricing decisions,
– To explain marketing communications
– To describe trade regulations in international business management.
At the end of this module learners should be able to:
– Know and describe international business.
– Know and explain what international business is in detail,
– Know and apply knowledge on international marketing research,
– Know and apply knowledge on international market entry strategies,
– Know and apply knowledge on product policy and strategy.
– Know and apply knowledge on the distribution strategy,
– Know and apply knowledge on process of making pricing decisions,
– Know and apply knowledge on marketing communications
– Know and apply knowledge on trade regulations in international business
UNIT 1: Describing international business
UNIT 2: Explaining for international business
UNIT 3: Describing international marketing research
UNIT 4: Describing international market entry strategies
UNIT 5: Explaining product policy and strategy
UNIT 6: Explaining distribution strategy
UNIT 7: Making pricing decisions
UNIT 8: Explaining marketing communications
UNIT 9: Describing trade regulation
Assignment 1 | 15% |
Assignment 2 | 15% |
Final exam | 70% |
Total | 100% |
S Tamer Cavusgil, Gary Knight, John Riesseberger. (2011) (2nd edn).
International Business. New Realities.
Fifield P & Lewis K. (2002). International Marketing Strategy. Butterworth
Jeannet J.P. Global Marketing Strategies. Houghton Mifflin
Corporate Governance and Ethics module introduces learners to corporate governance and ethics. The module starts by explaining what corporate governance is, it then describe the role of the board, it explain the process of evaluating an effective board, it describes the governance of risks, and explains the concept of control environment leading, planning and improvement. The module further describes business misconduct and malpractice then ends with explaining the banking corporate governance.
The objectives of this module are:
– To explain what corporate governance is,
– To describe the role of the board,
– To explain the means of evaluating an effective board,
– To describe the governance of risks,
– To explain the concept of control environment leading, planning and improvement.
– To describe what business misconduct and malpractice is
– To explain the banking corporate governance system.
At the end of this module learners should be able to:
– Know and explain what corporate governance is,
– Know and describe the role of the board,
– Know and apply the means for evaluating an effective board,
– Know and apply knowledge on the governance of risks,
– Know and apply the concept of control environment leading, planning and improvement.
– Know and describe what business misconduct and malpractice is
– Know and apply the knowledge of corporate governance in banking
UNIT 1: Explaining corporate governance
UNIT 2: Describe the role of the board
UNIT 3: Evaluating the effective board
UNIT 4: Describing the governance of risks
UNIT 5: Explaining control environment leading, planning and improvement
UNIT 6: Describing business misconduct and malpractice
UNIT 7: Explaining banking corporate governance
Assignment 1 | 15% |
Assignment 2 | 15% |
Final exam | 70% |
Total | 100% |
Cornelis A. De Kluyver. (2009) A Primer on Corporate Governance (Corporate
Governance Collection)
Jonathan R. Macey (2008). Corporate Governance: Promises Kept, Promises
Broken. Harcort
R. Ian Tricker (2009) Corporate Governance: Principles, Policies and Practices.
Kenneth A. Kim, John R Nofsinger, and Derek J Mohr (2009)(3rd edn).
Corporate Governance.
Ramon Mullerat. (2005) Corporate Social Responsibility: The Corporate
Governance of the 21st Century. (International Bar Association Series Set)
Change Management module introduces learners to change management. The module starts by explaining what Organisational Change Management is. It goes on to describe the Models of Organizational Change, it explains how to communicate Change and, explains the Process of Change Management. The module further describes the aspect of Resistance to Change, it explains the process of Implementing Change, the Strategies for Implementing Change, explains the process of Leading Changes and, explains how to Maintain Organizational Effectiveness. The module equally describes the process of Evaluating Organizational Change, the Change Agents, explains Culture and Change, explains Individual Change, and ends with explaining the concept of Organizational Learning and Learning Organization.
The objectives of this module are:
– To explain what Organisational Change Management is.
– To describe the Models of Organizational Change,
– To explain how to Communicate Change
– To explain the Process of Change Management.
– To describes the aspect of Resistance to Change,
– To explain the process of Implementing Change,
– To explain the Strategies for Implementing Change,
– To explain the process of Leading Change
– To explain how to Maintain Organizational Effectiveness
– To describe the process of Evaluating Organizational Change
– To describe the Change Agents,
– To explain the connection between Culture and Change,
– To describe Individual Change,
– To explain the concept of Organizational Learning and Learning Organization.
At the end of this module learners should be able to:
– Know and explain what organisational change management is.
– Know and apply the different models of organizational change,
– Know and apply tools for communicating change
– Know and apply the knowledge on the process of change management.
– Know and describe factors leading to resistance to change,
– Know and apply knowledge on the process of implementing change,
– Know and apply knowledge on the strategies for implementing change
– Know and apply the knowledge on the process of leading change
– Know and apply the principles for the maintenance of organizational Effectiveness
– Know and apply knowledge on the process of evaluating organizational change
– Know and apply knowledge of the change agents,
– Know and describe the connection between culture and change,
– Know and describe individual change,
– Know and apply knowledge on the concept of organizational learning and learning organization.
UNIT 1. Organisational Change Management
UNIT 2. Models of Organizational Change
UNIT 3. Communicating Change
UNIT 4. Process of Change Management
UNIT 5. Resistance to Change
UNIT 6. Implementing Change
UNIT 7. Strategies for Implementing Change
UNIT 8. Leading Changes
UNIT 9. Maintaining Organizational Effectiveness
UNIT 10. Evaluating Organizational Change
UNIT 11. Change Agents
UNIT 12. Culture and Change
UNIT 13. Individual Change
UNIT 14. Organizational Learning and Learning Organization
Assignment 1 | 15% |
Assignment 2 | 15% |
Final exam | 70% |
Total | 100% |
Burnes, B 1995, Managing Change: A Strategic Approach to Organisational
Dynamics, FT Prentice Hall
Burke W, 2002, Organization Change Theory and Practice, Sage, ISBN 0 7619
1483 8.
Carnall, C, 2002, Managing Change in Organisations, FT Prentice Hall, ISBN 0
273 65735 6.
Paton R, and McCalman J, 2004, Change Management, Sage Publications,
ISBN 0 7619 6499 1.
Bartol, K and Martin, D 2000, Management, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-113222-8.
Bateman, T and Zeithaml, C 2001, Management Function and Strategy, Irwin.
Drucker, P 2002, Managing in Turbulent Times, Butterworth Heinemann, ISBN 0-
Cole, G. A 2002, Management Theory and Practice, DP Publications, ISBN 1-
Financial Market Institutions and Banking Operations module introduces learners to financial market institutions and banking operations. The module starts by explaining financial markets, institutions, interest rates and security valuation are. It process to describing the central bank system, monetary policy and interest rates. It then explains the operations of various financial markets and securities. It identifies the important role financial institutions play in the economy and in facilitating business. It further identifies the important role other non-bank financial institutions play in the economy and in facilitating business. The module explains the various risks associated with financial institutions’ operations and how to manage them. It describes the principles of good lending, it identifies the lending services appropriate to the needs of individuals, small business or corporate body. It explains how to interpret financial statements in order to monitor the continuing viability of borrowing customers’ financial position and ends with explaining the system of funds transfer and different settlement methods in international trade.
The objectives of this module are:
– To explain what financial markets institutions, interest rates and security valuations are.
– To describe the central bank system, monetary policy and interest rates.
– To explain the operations of various financial markets and securities.
– To identify the important role financial institutions play in the economy and in facilitating business.
– To identify the important role other non-bank financial institutions play in the economy and in facilitating business.
– To explain the various risks associated with financial institutions’ operations and how to manage them.
– To describe the principles of good lending,
– To identify the lending services appropriate to the needs of individuals, small business or corporate bodies.
– To explain how to interpret financial statements in order to monitor the continuing viability of borrowing customers’ financial position.
– To explain the system of funds transfer and different settlement methods in international trade.
At the end of this module learners should be able to:
– Know and explain what financial markets institutions, interest rates and
security valuations are.
– Know and explain the central bank system, monetary policy and interest rates.
– Know and apply knowledge on the operations of various financial markets and securities.
– Know and describe the important role financial institutions play in the economy and in facilitating business.
– Know and describe the important role other non-bank financial institutions play in the economy and in facilitating business.
– Know and apply the knowledge on the various risks associated with
financial institutions’ operations and how to manage them.
– Know and apply the knowledge on the principles of good lending
– Know and apply the knowledge to identify the lending services appropriate to the needs of individuals, small business or corporate bodies.
– Know and apply the knowledge to interpret financial statements in order to monitor the continuing viability of borrowing customers’ financial position.
– Know and apply the knowledge on the systems of funds transfer and different settlement methods in international trade.
UNIT 1: Explaining financial markets, institutions, interest rates and security
UNIT 2: Describe the central bank system, monetary policy and interest
UNIT 3: Explaining the operations of various financial markets and securities.
UNIT 4: Identifying important role financial institutions play in the economy and
in facilitating business.
UNIT 5: Identifying Important Role other Non-bank Financial Institutions Play in
the Economy and in Facilitating Business
UNIT 6: Explaining various risks associated with financial institution operations
and how to manage them.
UNIT 7: Describe the Principles of Good Lending
UNIT 8: Identifying the lending services appropriate to the needs of individuals,
small business or corporate body
UNIT 9: Interpreting financial statements in order to monitor the continuing
viability of borrowing customer’s financial position
UNIT 10: Explaining funds transfer and different settlement methods in
international trade.
Antony S and Marcia Million Cornett; Financial Markets and InstitutionsFrank J. Fabozzi, Franco Modiglini, Frank J. Jones and Michael G. Ferri.
Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions. (3rd edn).
A. M. Davies & M Kearns. Banking Operations – UK Lending and International
Business [Pitman/CIB]
BPP, Banking Operations – UK Lending and International Business; Study Text
[BPP Publishing]