The Lusaka Goldsmiths University Bachelor of Accountancy program is quite versatile. With a mix of courses from the traditional accounting courses, to management, human resource and change management to entrepreneurship, the Degree equips graduates with vast knowledge of accounting, business management and entrepreneurship. Among other, the program introduces learners to business communication, which is an essential component of business management and entrepreneurship. It gives the learners a feel of the processes of legal disputes resolution which is key in modern business management and entrepreneurship. The program introduces learners to the world of economics, accounting, information technology and E-commerce. The program further introduces learners to the board rooms through corporate governance, corporate strategy and finally brings out the all-important issues of audit and public finance. Acquire your accounting, business and entrepreneurial acumen with a Bachelor of Accountancy Degree from Lusaka Goldsmiths University School of Law and Business.
The Bachelor of Accountancy Degree is very important in society. Societies the world over are conducting and involved in business everyday. The accounting degree ensures that business managers are equipped with knowledge of accounting which brings about effective management of businesses and the finances of the business. The need for accountability in business management cannot be overemphasised and that is what this degree brings. The strategic planning, issues of governance in business and adherence to standards in the management of finances of entities, is what the Bachelor of Accountancy at Lusaka Goldsmiths University inculcates in learners.
With sustained emphasis by successive governments to have a private sector driven economy, more SMEs are being established on a daily basis. The successful running of the new enterprises established depends largely on a robust accounting profession. The Lusaka Goldsmiths University Bachelor of Accountancy Degree in its versatile form is designed to meet the needs of industry for accounting, business finance management and entrepreneurship skills that are very vital for the successful operations of a business.
Further, the need for accountability in public finance management calls for a well-trained accounting and audit professional to assist government in maintaining good standards of accounting and audit of public finance. The Lusaka Goldsmiths University Bachelor of Accountancy Degree is designed to meet the expectations of both the private and public sector needs for effective accounting and auditing of private and public finance.
The objectives of the Lusaka Goldsmiths University Bachelor of Accountancy Degree are to equip learners with knowledge of accounting, business management and entrepreneurship. It trains learners on important accounting skills needed for planning and effective management of business finances. The program endeavours to train a well refined accounting business manager and entrepreneur who is versatile enough to navigate through the challenges presented in the business world. To train a finance manager with the ability to identify risks, challenges and opportunities in the business while maintaining a steady finance management system within the business.
At the end of this program learners shall:
The assessment criteria for Lusaka Goldsmiths University consists of two assignments each carrying 15 marks and an examination at the end of each semester carrying 70 marks as follows:
Assignment 1: 15 marks
Assignment 2 15marks
Final Examination: 70 marks
Total: 100 marks
Note: Progression rules set by the University Senate are that only students who do and submit both their Continuous Assessments (Assignments), can proceed to sit for their final semester examinations.